Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blue Hill Birthday

The last couple days at Tinder Hearth in Brooksville were a ball, absolutely great.  Kept working on music with Living Daylight, and we played for Fiona's mom's 50th birthday party.  A perfect autumn celebration.  I haven't had such a fun time performing in a while, getting people dancing and smiling.  There were up to maybe 10 people playing for a lot of the tunes, a horn trio, backup singers, etc.
Yesterday, Jared, Ruthie, and Gabriel brought me down near Philly.  Seemed very abrupt to leave the Bakery where I'd come to feel quite comfortable and familiar.  It was pretty crazy to be driving on the interstate, covering hundreds of miles in a matter of hours!  Kind of comical, and kind of like magic.  As we got into NH, I realized that it had been over a month since I got into Maine.  It treated me very well, and I'll surely be back soon!

Very broad, undetailed entries for the last couple weeks, and I also took very few pictures.  It often seems to be that the better life gets, the less documented it becomes!  Anyone who was has some pictures of hurricane island, Tinder Hearth, or anywhere I've been, please send them to me and i'll put them up on the blog!

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